Being Resilient

It’s easier than you may think


I am a leadership and strategy professor at INSEAD. I help leaders become more resilient, improving the impact they have on their teams and organizations.

Being resilient – using our mental and physical capacities to effectively navigate adverse circumstances – is critical for our health, and that of our organizations and communities. This website shares practical, evidence-based ways to being resilient with broader audiences than those who attend my classes.

Professor of Leadership Development in New York


Professor of Leadership Development

My search for resilience began when I trained for a suicide hotline at age 18. Since then, through master’s and PhD programs, my own therapy and growth, and decades of working with practicing executives, I am convinced that resilience is a skill that all can learn.

I am not perfect and so, every so often, I am less resilient than I like. When that happens, I try not to beat myself up. Instead, I try and see such instances as opportunities to learn and share the lessons with others.

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Everything can be taken from a [person] but one thing: the last of the human freedoms – to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.

— Viktor E. Frankl


This blog features practical tips, suggestions, and reflections for sustaining resilient behavior.

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